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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Anti Porn

Yang paling membuat para orang tua resah adalah PORNOGRAFI. Bahkan dengan bebasnya akses internet pada situs porno membuat orang tua enggan untuk mengenalkan anak-anakanya pada internet. Sayang sekali sebenarnya, padahal semua yang ada bisa diantisipasi. Sudah lama saya menemukan software yang bisa mem-blok situs porno ini. Beriku penjelasan tentang Software Anti-Porn ini.

<=Info =>
Anti-Porn parental controls can filter out adult websites (block porn), which contain objects unsuitable for children, and even filters out chat when offensive language is used. Anti-Porn software can automatically filter out tens of thousands of porn websites and you can also easily add in the websites which you don't want children to see. With Anti-Porn you can also filter out internet material by blocking particular key words.

Anti-Porn parental control software can supply the globe standard time, you can set the program to let your kids use internet at certain times on specific days. Anti-Porn keeps a complete log of all websites visited, filtered out or not, and keeps track of all material viewed on the computer, including files, images, music, and so on. You can have the inventory of your kid's computer history.

- Improved compatibility with some antivirus software.
- Improved compatibility with Firefox and Chrome.



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